#!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash -e VERSION=2024022001 BASE_URL=https://kali.download/nethunter-images/current/rootfs USERNAME=kali function unsupported_arch() { printf "${red}" echo "[*] Unsupported Architecture\n\n" printf "${reset}" exit } function ask() { # http://djm.me/ask while true; do if [ "${2:-}" = "Y" ]; then prompt="Y/n" default=Y elif [ "${2:-}" = "N" ]; then prompt="y/N" default=N else prompt="y/n" default= fi # Ask the question printf "${light_cyan}\n[?] " read -p "$1 [$prompt] " REPLY # Default? if [ -z "$REPLY" ]; then REPLY=$default fi printf "${reset}" # Check if the reply is valid case "$REPLY" in Y*|y*) return 0 ;; N*|n*) return 1 ;; esac done } function get_arch() { printf "${blue}[*] Checking device architecture ..." case $(getprop ro.product.cpu.abi) in arm64-v8a) SYS_ARCH=arm64 ;; armeabi|armeabi-v7a) SYS_ARCH=armhf ;; *) unsupported_arch ;; esac } function set_strings() { echo \ && echo "" #### if [[ ${SYS_ARCH} == "arm64" ]]; then echo "[1] NetHunter ARM64 (full)" echo "[2] NetHunter ARM64 (minimal)" echo "[3] NetHunter ARM64 (nano)" read -p "Enter the image you want to install: " wimg if (( $wimg == "1" )); then wimg="full" elif (( $wimg == "2" )); then wimg="minimal" elif (( $wimg == "3" )); then wimg="nano" else wimg="full" fi elif [[ ${SYS_ARCH} == "armhf" ]]; then echo "[1] NetHunter ARMhf (full)" echo "[2] NetHunter ARMhf (minimal)" echo "[3] NetHunter ARMhf (nano)" read -p "Enter the image you want to install: " wimg if (( $wimg == "1" )); then wimg="full" elif (( $wimg == "2" )); then wimg="minimal" elif (( $wimg == "3" )); then wimg="nano" else wimg="full" fi fi #### CHROOT=kali-${SYS_ARCH} IMAGE_NAME=kalifs-${SYS_ARCH}-${wimg}.tar.xz SHA_NAME=kalifs-${SYS_ARCH}-${wimg}.sha512sum } function prepare_fs() { unset KEEP_CHROOT if [ -d ${CHROOT} ]; then if ask "Existing rootfs directory found. Delete and create a new one?" "N"; then rm -rf ${CHROOT} else KEEP_CHROOT=1 fi fi } function cleanup() { if [ -f ${IMAGE_NAME} ]; then if ask "Delete downloaded rootfs file?" "N"; then if [ -f ${IMAGE_NAME} ]; then rm -f ${IMAGE_NAME} fi if [ -f ${SHA_NAME} ]; then rm -f ${SHA_NAME} fi fi fi } function check_dependencies() { printf "${blue}\n[*] Checking package dependencies...${reset}\n" ## Workaround for termux-app issue #1283 (https://github.com/termux/termux-app/issues/1283) ##apt update -y &> /dev/null apt-get update -y &> /dev/null || apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" dist-upgrade -y &> /dev/null for i in proot tar axel; do if [ -e $PREFIX/bin/$i ]; then echo " $i is OK" else printf "Installing ${i}...\n" apt install -y $i || { printf "${red}ERROR: Failed to install packages.\n Exiting.\n${reset}" exit } fi done apt upgrade -y } function get_url() { ROOTFS_URL="${BASE_URL}/${IMAGE_NAME}" SHA_URL="${BASE_URL}/${SHA_NAME}" } function get_rootfs() { unset KEEP_IMAGE if [ -f ${IMAGE_NAME} ]; then if ask "Existing image file found. Delete and download a new one?" "N"; then rm -f ${IMAGE_NAME} else printf "${yellow}[!] Using existing rootfs archive${reset}\n" KEEP_IMAGE=1 return fi fi printf "${blue}[*] Downloading rootfs...${reset}\n\n" get_url wget ${EXTRA_ARGS} --continue "${ROOTFS_URL}" } function get_sha() { if [ -z $KEEP_IMAGE ]; then printf "\n${blue}[*] Getting SHA ... ${reset}\n\n" get_url if [ -f ${SHA_NAME} ]; then rm -f ${SHA_NAME} fi wget ${EXTRA_ARGS} --continue "${SHA_URL}" fi } function verify_sha() { if [ -z $KEEP_IMAGE ]; then printf "\n${blue}[*] Verifying integrity of rootfs...${reset}\n\n" sha512sum -c $SHA_NAME || { printf "${red} Rootfs corrupted. Please run this installer again or download the file manually\n${reset}" exit 1 } fi } function extract_rootfs() { if [ -z $KEEP_CHROOT ]; then printf "\n${blue}[*] Extracting rootfs... ${reset}\n\n" proot --link2symlink tar -xf $IMAGE_NAME 2> /dev/null || : else printf "${yellow}[!] Using existing rootfs directory${reset}\n" fi } function create_launcher() { NH_LAUNCHER=${PREFIX}/bin/nethunter NH_SHORTCUT=${PREFIX}/bin/nh cat > $NH_LAUNCHER <<- EOF #!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash -e cd \${HOME} ## termux-exec sets LD_PRELOAD so let's unset it before continuing unset LD_PRELOAD ## Workaround for Libreoffice, also needs to bind a fake /proc/version if [ ! -f $CHROOT/root/.version ]; then touch $CHROOT/root/.version fi ## Default user is "kali" user="$USERNAME" home="/home/\$user" start="sudo -u kali /bin/bash" ## NH can be launched as root with the "-r" cmd attribute ## Also check if user kali exists, if not start as root if grep -q "kali" ${CHROOT}/etc/passwd; then KALIUSR="1"; else KALIUSR="0"; fi if [[ \$KALIUSR == "0" || ("\$#" != "0" && ("\$1" == "-r" || "\$1" == "-R")) ]];then user="root" home="/\$user" start="/bin/bash --login" if [[ "\$#" != "0" && ("\$1" == "-r" || "\$1" == "-R") ]];then shift fi fi cmdline="proot \\ --link2symlink \\ -0 \\ -r $CHROOT \\ -b /dev \\ -b /proc \\ -b $CHROOT\$home:/dev/shm \\ -w \$home \\ /usr/bin/env -i \\ HOME=\$home \\ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin \\ TERM=\$TERM \\ LANG=C.UTF-8 \\ \$start" cmd="\$@" if [ "\$#" == "0" ];then exec \$cmdline else \$cmdline -c "\$cmd" fi EOF chmod 700 $NH_LAUNCHER if [ -L ${NH_SHORTCUT} ]; then rm -f ${NH_SHORTCUT} fi if [ ! -f ${NH_SHORTCUT} ]; then ln -s ${NH_LAUNCHER} ${NH_SHORTCUT} >/dev/null fi } function create_kex_launcher() { KEX_LAUNCHER=${CHROOT}/usr/bin/kex cat > $KEX_LAUNCHER <<- EOF #!/bin/bash function start-kex() { if [ ! -f ~/.vnc/passwd ]; then passwd-kex fi USR=\$(whoami) if [ \$USR == "root" ]; then SCREEN=":2" else SCREEN=":1" fi export MOZ_FAKE_NO_SANDBOX=1; export HOME=\${HOME}; export USER=\${USR}; LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 nohup vncserver \$SCREEN >/dev/null 2>&1 $CHROOT/etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver" >> $CHROOT/etc/resolv.conf } function fix_sudo() { ## fix sudo & su on start chmod +s $CHROOT/usr/bin/sudo chmod +s $CHROOT/usr/bin/su echo "kali ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" > $CHROOT/etc/sudoers.d/kali # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1773148 echo "Set disable_coredump false" > $CHROOT/etc/sudo.conf } function fix_uid() { ## Change kali uid and gid to match that of the termux user USRID=$(id -u) GRPID=$(id -g) nh -r usermod -u $USRID kali 2>/dev/null nh -r groupmod -g $GRPID kali 2>/dev/null } function print_banner() { clear printf "${blue}##################################################\n" printf "${blue}## ##\n" printf "${blue}## 88 a8P db 88 88 ##\n" printf "${blue}## 88 .88' d88b 88 88 ##\n" printf "${blue}## 88 88' d8''8b 88 88 ##\n" printf "${blue}## 88 d88 d8' '8b 88 88 ##\n" printf "${blue}## 8888'88. d8YaaaaY8b 88 88 ##\n" printf "${blue}## 88P Y8b d8''''''''8b 88 88 ##\n" printf "${blue}## 88 '88. d8' '8b 88 88 ##\n" printf "${blue}## 88 Y8b d8' '8b 888888888 88 ##\n" printf "${blue}## ##\n" printf "${blue}#### ############# NetHunter ####################${reset}\n\n" } ################################## ## Main ## # Add some colours red='\033[1;31m' green='\033[1;32m' yellow='\033[1;33m' blue='\033[1;34m' light_cyan='\033[1;96m' reset='\033[0m' EXTRA_ARGS="" if [[ ! -z $1 ]]; then EXTRA_ARGS=$1 if [[ $EXTRA_ARGS != "--no-check-certificate" ]]; then EXTRA_ARGS="" fi fi cd $HOME print_banner get_arch set_strings prepare_fs check_dependencies get_rootfs get_sha verify_sha extract_rootfs create_launcher cleanup printf "\n${blue}[*] Configuring NetHunter for Termux ...\n" fix_profile_bash fix_resolv_conf fix_sudo create_kex_launcher fix_uid print_banner printf "${green}[=] Kali NetHunter for Termux installed successfully${reset}\n\n" printf "${green}[+] To start Kali NetHunter, type:${reset}\n" printf "${green}[+] nethunter # To start NetHunter CLI${reset}\n" printf "${green}[+] nethunter kex passwd # To set the KeX password${reset}\n" printf "${green}[+] nethunter kex & # To start NetHunter GUI${reset}\n" printf "${green}[+] nethunter kex stop # To stop NetHunter GUI${reset}\n" #printf "${green}[+] nethunter kex # Run command in NetHunter env${reset}\n" printf "${green}[+] nethunter -r # To run NetHunter as root${reset}\n" #printf "${green}[+] nethunter -r kex passwd # To set the KeX password for root${reset}\n" #printf "${green}[+] nethunter kex & # To start NetHunter GUI as root${reset}\n" #printf "${green}[+] nethunter kex stop # To stop NetHunter GUI root session${reset}\n" #printf "${green}[+] nethunter -r kex kill # To stop all NetHunter GUI sessions${reset}\n" #printf "${green}[+] nethunter -r kex # Run command in NetHunter env as root${reset}\n" printf "${green}[+] nh # Shortcut for nethunter${reset}\n\n"